The log files of the AdminServer will not give you a hint on this behavior. It will tell you that memory is reaching 100%:
AdminServer.log: reaching out of memory
Kill the AdminServer process and starting the AdminServer again, will not solve the issue. After a time the AdminServer is at 100% and communication is not possible.
A solution that worked for a short time was:
kill AdminServer processThis solution resulted taht teh AdminServer was up and running, I could connect to the Service Bus console and the normal console. But when I started a deployment of new services, the AdminServer spinned into 100%.
delete all files and directories from the AdminServer:
cd $WLS_DOMAIN/servers/cp -rv AdminServer/security .rm -rf AdminServer/*mv security AdminServer
Start the AdminServer
After searching the log files and investigating why this suddenly happened, it did not occur on other environments, I did something radical. I removed all the OSB artifacts that were installed on the the AdminServer.
stop AdminServer
stop all the managed servers
cd $WLS_DOMAIN/osbrm -rf *
start AdminServerNow the AdminServer is up and running very quickly. Due to the fact there are now services deployed.
Start a deployment of services to the AdminSererThis workarround works! The AdminServer is not spinning anymore, reacts fast on the consoles.
After deployment, start all the managed services.