Usage: Enable/Disable Proxy services setProxyState [-d|-e] [-v] [-f proxy-list-file] admin-url wls-password [path-to-proxy ] -v verbose output -d disable the proxy state -e enable the proxy state -f file with a list of proxy services
The python script must by started from the common/bin directory in which the OSB is installed (ORACLE_HOME). I assume that the connection is made through the default 'weblogic' user. Make sure you have set the domain environment (
Example Single Service (enable)
$ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/ -e t3:// welcome1 MyProxyProject/MyProxyService_v2r0
Example via a file (disable)
$ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/ -d -f listofproxies.txt t3:// welcome1
The listofproxies.txt file is a list of Proxy Services that includes the whole project path without a beginning '/'. Example:
listofproxies.txt ================= # # This is a list of services that are read in this sequence # to be enabled or enabled. # MyProxyProject/MyProxyService_v1r0 MyProxyProject/MyProxyService_v2r0 MyProxyProject/MyProxyService_v2r1
The whole python script is here. # # Make sure you have set the domain environment settings: # # . $WLS_DOMAIN/bin/ # # Usage: # # /opt/weblogic/Middleware/Oracle_OSB/common/bin/ -e -f listofproxies.txt t3://l2-mslfonapp02:7001 webl0gic # import getopt import sys import os from import SessionManagementMBean from import ALSBConfigurationMBean from com.bea.wli.config import Ref from com.bea.wli.monitoring import StatisticType from import Refs from import CommonServiceConfigurationMBean wl_user="weblogic" verbose=False ######################################################################################### def ConnectToWLS(u, p, h): msg("Connect to " + h + " as user " + u) connect(u,p, h) domainRuntime() def DisconnectFromWLS(): msg("Disconnect") disconnect() def CreateOSBSession(): sessionName = "SetProxyStateSession_" + str(System.currentTimeMillis()) sessionMBean = findService(SessionManagementMBean.NAME, SessionManagementMBean.TYPE) sessionMBean.createSession(sessionName) msg("OSB Session Created: " + sessionName) return sessionMBean, sessionName def ActivateSession(b, n, s, a): msg("Activate OSB Session: " + n) b.activateSession(n, a + " " + s) def FindService(f, s, session, n): msg("Find proxy service: " + f + "/" + s) pxyConf = "ProxyServiceConfiguration." + n mbean = findService(pxyConf, '') folderRef = Refs.makeParentRef(f + '/') serviceRef = Refs.makeProxyRef(folderRef, s) return serviceRef, mbean def setStateService(b, s, a): if a == 'disable': msg("Disable Service") b.disableService(s) else: msg("Enable Service") b.enableService(s) ######################################################################################### def usage(): print "Usage: Enable/Disable Proxy services" print "setProxyState [-d|-e] [-v] [-f list-of-proxy-services] admin-url wls-password [proxy-service]" print "-v verbose output" print "-d disable the proxy state" print "-e enable the proxy state" print "-f file with a list of proxy services" def main(): ############################################################ ## Parse Arguments ## proxy_file="" noofargs = 3 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vdehf:", ["help"]) for o, a in opts: if o == '-h': usage() exit() elif o == '-v': global verbose verbose = True elif o == '-d': state = "disable" elif o == '-e': state = "enable" elif o == '-f': proxy_file = a noofargs = noofargs - 1 else: print "Unknown argument." print "" usage() exit() if len(args) != noofargs: print "Invalid number of arguments." print "" usage() exit() admin_server = args[0] wl_password = args[1] if len(proxy_file) > 0: setStateListOfProxyService(proxy_file, state, wl_password, admin_server) else: proxy_service = args[2] setStateOfProxyService(proxy_service, state, wl_password, admin_server) except getopt.GetoptError, err: # print help information and exit: print str(err) print "" usage() ############################################################ def msg(m): if verbose: print m def setStateListOfProxyService(pfile, stateOnOff, wl_password, admin_server): try: ConnectToWLS(wl_user, wl_password, admin_server) file = open(pfile, "r") osbSession, sessionName = CreateOSBSession() appliedServices = "" for line in file.readlines(): line = line.lstrip().rstrip() msg("Read line: " + line) if line.find("#") < 0 and len(line) > 0: relativePath = os.path.dirname(line) pServiceName = os.path.basename(line) appliedServices = appliedServices + " " + pServiceName service, sessionBean = FindService(relativePath, pServiceName, osbSession, sessionName) setStateService(sessionBean, service, stateOnOff) file.close() ActivateSession(osbSession, sessionName, appliedServices, stateOnOff) DisconnectFromWLS() except: print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0] dumpStack() raise def setStateOfProxyService(pservice, stateOnOff, wl_password, admin_server): try: ConnectToWLS(wl_user, wl_password, admin_server) osbSession, sessionName = CreateOSBSession() relativePath = os.path.dirname(pservice) pServiceName = os.path.basename(pservice) service, sessionBean = FindService(relativePath, pServiceName, osbSession, sessionName) setStateService(sessionBean, service, stateOnOff) ActivateSession(osbSession, sessionName, pServiceName, stateOnOff) DisconnectFromWLS() except: print "Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0] dumpStack() raise ############################################################ main() exit()